Updates from the Capitol | TCTA
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Updates from the Capitol

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During legislative sessions, TCTA's top-ranked lobby team is at the Texas Capitol every day, working on behalf of Texas teachers and other classroom professionals. Our lobbyists carefully monitor and testify on legislation that could affect TCTA members and provide daily reports on legislative action. These updates are provided below and compiled and emailed weekly via the TCTA eUpdate newsletter.

Voucher drama

May 10, 2023

A hastily-called meeting to vote on an extensive bill that includes a new testing system and a voucher plan was shot down in an unusual parliamentary…

Senate Education votes out bills including public school choice transfer expansion

Apr 27, 2023

The Senate Education Committee held this week’s hearing Thursday, but closer attention is due to the bills that are moving out of the committee, as…

Next phase of budget work gets underway

Apr 20, 2023

Budget conference committee sets up voucher showdown.

Voucher day in House Public Education Committee

Apr 12, 2023

While the education community had a big win last week on the Herrero amendment to the budget, the battle is certainly not over and House leadership…

Thursday bills include state budget, teacher salaries, vouchers

Apr 6, 2023

Thursday is a big day at the Capitol as the House debates the state budget and proposed amendments, while the Senate takes up two priority bills:…

Senate budget proposal ties new education funding to vouchers

Mar 27, 2023

The Senate Finance Committee approved its education-related recommendations for the state budget, making an additional $5 billion in education…

Senate committee discusses $2,000 teacher pay raise and voucher proposals

Mar 22, 2023

The Senate Education Committee heard SB 9, a teacher workforce bill with a number of provisions suggested by the Teacher Vacancy Task Force, as well…

Senate Education Committee considers first potential voucher bill

Mar 15, 2023

SB 1068 by Mayes Middleton has been a concern to the education community since it was filed earlier in the session, as it raises concerns that it…

Several voucher bills filed

Feb 21, 2023

The following are the voucher bills that have been filed to date, according to the Coalition for Public Schools.

Texas education survey shows strong support for public schools

Jan 25, 2023

Eighty-nine percent of public school parents are satisfied with their child's education, but teaching isn't considered a desirable profession.