SB 1068 by Mayes Middleton has been a concern to the education community since it was filed earlier in the session. While not a traditional voucher proposal like the education savings account (ESA) approach in other bills that more directly diverts public funds to private entities, TCTA and other education groups opposed SB 1068 on the grounds that it expands virtual education to the point that it could create a virtual voucher system. The bill was heard in the Senate Education Committee hearing Wednesday, but, along with the other bills considered, was left pending.
Among the bills in the Wednesday hearing:
SB 838 by Creighton, the Senate version of the House bill heard Monday that will require districts to provide a panic alert device in every classroom.
SB 1144 by Sen. Bryan Hughes, which provides that before a district can expel a student, the district must consider whether it is appropriate and feasible to instead enroll the student in a full-time virtual education program through the state Virtual School Network.
SB 562 by Sen. Kevin Sparks would require that a threat assessment team notify the parent before it conducts an assessment of a student, and provide an opportunity for the parent to participate and submit relevant information.
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