Terms of Use
- The Ask-a-Lawyer contact form is for answering general questions only. Any request for legal advice relating to a specific situation should be made by calling our legal department at 888-879-8282. Any information provided is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
- Please do not use your school email, as it is not confidential and can be read by your supervisor or other employees. Requests for legal information sent with a school email address will be answered with an invitation to call our legal department at 888-879-8282.
- If you have or potentially have a specific legal problem, please call our legal staff at 888-879-8282 to fully discuss the facts. Time deadlines are short in school law matters, so call as soon as possible if you may need legal assistance.
- In no event are legal services provided to persons who are not members of TCTA or who were not members of TCTA at the time of an action, omission or occurrence giving rise to the problem for which legal services are requested. The effective date of membership in TCTA for new members is Aug. 1 or when your completed application and full payment or a signed payroll deduction authorization are received at TCTA headquarters, whichever is later.
- Please read the Full Disclaimer for important details.
- Your use of this form to submit a question indicates your understanding and agreement with the terms noted above.
TCTA members may click here to log in and submit an inquiry in our secure portal.
Not yet a member? Click here to be notified when TCTA opens enrollment for the 2025-26 school year. Coverage begins Aug. 1, 2025, or the date you join, whichever is later. TCTA regrets that we are unable to provide legal services for issues arising prior to the effective date of membership. Membership with TCTA is subject to the terms of benefits as defined on the membership application.