Student Memberships | TCTA
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Student Memberships

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If you’re enrolled in an SBEC-approved teacher certification program seeking your initial certification, you’re eligible for free membership, which includes full access to all TCTA programs, including TCTA’s legal services and professional liability insurance coverage during your unpaid semester(s) of student teaching.

If you are paid by a school district for student teaching or are working for a school district in another capacity (such as an aide, substitute or teacher), you do not qualify for free student membership. Certified teachers seeking additional certifications or advanced degrees do not qualify for student memberships.

Benefits of TCTA Membership

  • We offer the most comprehensive protection package for educators: $8 million in professional liability insurance, $2 million in civil rights coverage, $250,000 teacher defense fund.
  • Staff attorneys are a phone call away to help you with job-related issues.
  • Our focus is on the classroom, with more than 90 years representing teachers and instructional staff.
  • Advocacy by the state’s leading teacher lobby team.
  • Free online continuing education hours with relevant subject matter.
  • Award-winning publications to keep you in the know, including the information-packed Survival Guide.
  • Cost-saving programs and discounts on things you use: hotels, glasses, car rentals, theme parks, movies and more!
  • includes timely and detailed education information at your fingertips.
  • TCTA is everywhere! Members are on statewide committees and coalitions from school safety to special education.

Online registration for the 2024-25 school year has closed. If you missed the deadline to sign up for a student membership but need coverage for the Spring 2025 semester, please call the Membership Department at 888-879-8282 to verify eligibility and enroll over the phone.