TCTA is an SBEC-approved provider of CPE hours and offers our members free online continuing education on topics ranging from technology to teacher evaluation.
More than 70 hours of FREE CPE is provided to all TCTA members. Members should click here to log in to watch all our video-based continuing education seminars in the Online CPE tab of the membership portal. You can print or save a certificate of each completed video and view a log of what you've previously watched.
Questions? Call 888-879-8282 or contact membership by filling out this form.
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Here is a list of the videos currently available to TCTA members. Log in here and click on Online CPE to watch.
Title | Description | Topic | CPE Hours |
Addressing the Increase of Anxiety and Stress in Our Youth | Learn about issues potentially causing stress and anxiety, what type of behavior may indicate a youth is struggling, and strategies to help a child succeed in coping with these experiences. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Reaching Diverse Learners and De-escalation Strategies for Students with Challenging Behaviors | Facing student behavioral challenges? Unlock effective strategies for diverse learners, understand the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and explore Social Emotional Learning (SEL). | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.5 |
2024 TCTA Legal Q&A Session and Update | TCTA staff attorneys provide updates on Domain IV of T-TESS, assault leave, removing disruptive students from class and school safety laws, before answering questions from the audience. | State / Federal Laws | 1.5 |
2022 Keynote Address | Licensed counselor and retired educator Dennette Gardner shares ways to help educators unwind and lower stress. | Educator Wellness | 0.75 |
National Board Certification Recognition and Compensation | 2021 Convention | David Walker talks about the process we underwent to obtain national board certification, which earns an automatic Recognized designation under the Teacher Incentive Allotment program. | National Board Certification | 1.5 |
Legislative & Current Events Update | March 6, 2021 | Learn more about TCTA's priorities for the 87th Legislative Session, how we're fighting for you, and what lies ahead as lawmakers work on the proposals that will affect your classroom and profession. | Legislative Priorities | 1.5 |
Legal Session Q&A | March 6, 2021 | Your TCTA attorneys discuss the effects of COVID-19 on student performance and employee rights. | State / Federal Laws | 1.5 |
Inspired Educator, Engaged & Connected Learner | 2021 Convention | Learn how to enliven hybrid, remote, and physically distant academic, training, and social-emotional content delivery and assessment with active, learner-centered engagement techniques to enhance involvement, reflection and retention for participants of all ages. Gain practical methods, creative inspiration, and positive connections. | Cross-Disciplinary Education | 1.5 |
Hollywood vs. Science | 2021 Convention | Joy Lin discusses how to use popular Marvel/DC movies and the real-life scientific implications behind them to gain student interest in science. | 1.25 | |
Design & Plan for Hybrid Learning | 2021 Convention | During this session, Monica Martinez explores tools and ideas for teaching and learning in a hybrid learning environment. She also discusses how cloud-based collaborative work can help reduce teacher workload. | Technology | 1.5 |
2020 Texas Education Policy Initiatives | Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath addressed TCTA's 2020 Annual Meeting attendees, sharing updates on several initiatives underway at the Texas Education Agency and outlining the impact they could have on educators and classrooms. | Cross-Disciplinary Education | 1 |
2020 Legal & Policy Issues | Members of TCTA's legal and lobby teams discuss key issues members are facing in 2020. | State / Federal Laws | 1 |
2020 Keynote Address | University of Texas Head Baseball Coach David Pierce talks about teamwork. | Cross-Disciplinary Education | 0.75 |
Strategies for Dealing With Traumatized Students Part 2 | This two-part session presented by Sarah McQueen, director of High School Services for Communities in Schools of Central Texas, is designed to give anyone who works with children important information about how student learning and behavior are impacted by trauma. Learn how educators and support staff can help students develop a greater sense of safety at school and begin to build new emotional regulation skills. This is Part 2 of the two-part session. | Cross-Disciplinary Education | 1 |
Strategies for Dealing With Traumatized Students Part 1 | This two-part session presented by Sarah McQueen, director of High School Services for Communities in Schools of Central Texas, is designed to give anyone who works with children important information about how student learning and behavior are impacted by trauma. Learn how educators and support staff can help students develop a greater sense of safety at school and begin to build new emotional regulation skills. This is Part 1 of the two-part session. | Cross-Disciplinary Education | 1 |
The Teacher's Role in Special Education | Holly Wardell, of Eichelbaum Wardell, discusses what Texas/federal laws and rules say about the role of regular education teachers in serving special education students, including serving on the Admission, Dismissal and Review committee and implementing an Individualized Education Plan. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.25 |
School Violence: What's Really Going On | Curtis Clay, the director of school safety education at Empowered Actions Consulting, takes an in-depth look at what schools are facing on a daily basis pertaining to school violence. Clay offers strategies and resources to create safer schools upon recognizing some of the issues that contribute to the overall safety of a campus. | School Violence / Bullying | 1 |
Improving Support for Teachers | Education Commissioner Mike Morath discusses the challenges facing the state to retain and recruit more teachers as he shares his thoughts regarding keeping great teachers in the classroom. | Teacher Evaluation | 1 |
2019 Legal Q&A Session | TCTAs legal team covers current topics affecting Texas teachers and answers general legal questions from the audience during this informative session filmed during TCTA's 2019 Convention in Austin. Members who need legal assistance should call the Legal Department at 888-879-8282. | State / Federal Laws | 1.25 |
Effective Strategies for ELL Students | TEKS, ELPS, PLDs, TELPAS, BICS, CALPS, ELL: What do they all mean? How do they support the learning of English learners? In this session, teachers will learn how to provide meaningful access to all curriculum through research-based strategies and activities. An understanding of the stages of language development will enable teachers to differentiate for all linguistic abilities. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.25 |
Transforming Your Classroom with Active Learning | As the technological world marches forward, mega-change in education is becoming a necessity. What is the role of the educator? How will students spend their time? This hands-on workshop presented by Michael Olaya of Dexter Learning in Wichita Falls, Texas, offers a sneak peek at this exciting future — a future where students retake center stage and become active participants in their education. | Technology | 1 |
CPE preview: 2017 Convention Keynote Address | Education Commissioner Mike Morath reflects on challenges facing classroom teachers and answers questions during the keynote address of the 2017 TCTA Convention in Austin. | State / Federal Laws | 0.5 |
2017 Convention Legislative Q&A | TCTA's top-ranked lobby team talks about the 85th Texas Legislature and answers questions from members attending the 2017 TCTA Convention in Austin. | State / Federal Laws | 1 |
Get Your Google On: Google Tools from A to Z+ | Learn how to use some of Google's free tools in your classroom. | Technology | 1.25 |
Planting the Restorative Seed in Your Classroom: Behavior Management Practices | Kevin Curtis presents a session on student behavior in the classroom. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Maximizing Student Engagement | The Pencil Ladies, Joan Tolle and Terrie Morrow, offer tips to engage students using active learning techniques. | Classroom Management | 0.5 |
2017 Convention Legal Q&A | TCTA staff attorneys Michael Currie, Gerald Francisco and Julie Leahy answer general legal questions from TCTA members. | State / Federal Laws | 1.25 |
T-TESS Implementation | This session by Lauralee Pankonien and Lori Einfalt is all about T-TESS, the state's new teacher appraisal system. | Teacher Evaluation | 1 |
2017 Convention T-TESS Legal Session | Dohn Larson, TCTA's director of legal services, answers legal questions about T-TESS, the state's new teacher appraisal system. | Teacher Evaluation | 1.25 |
2016 TCTA Annual Meeting Legal Session | TCTA's Director of Legal Services Dohn Larson and General Counsel Lonnie Hollingsworth Jr. present a legal session to answer questions from members during the 2016 Annual Meeting at the Sheraton at the Capitol Hotel in Austin. | State / Federal Laws | 1.25 |
TCTA's Holly Eaton on T-TESS and ESSA | Holly Eaton, TCTA's director of professional development and advocacy, presents and overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act and the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System during the 2016 Annual Meeting on Feb. 26, 2016. | Teacher Evaluation | 0.75 |
Embracing Technology to Enhance Learning | Get the scoop on using technology to develop 21st century learners. This hands-on session will give you quick starter activities, lesson ideas, and strategies using Google Classroom, Nearpod, Padlet, Storyboard That, and other online applications. Wright and Schermerhorn, a 2015 H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards finalist, will also give you suggestions for incorporating project-based learning into your everyday curriculum. | Technology | 1.5 |
Reach (So You Can Teach) Students in Poverty | Texas classrooms are filled with students who come from different cultures, but a crucial demographic that can affect learning is socioeconomic status and educators who aren't prepared in reaching these students. In this interactive session with 2012-13 TCTA Innovator of the Year Corina Flores, you will learn how to reach out to and fully engage your students living in poverty in a respectful and caring way. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.25 |
Helping You Help Your English Language Learners | With the number of limited English proficient students in Texas at almost 18 percent and rising, teachers are hungry for knowledge they can use to have a positive impact on the progress and performance of English language learners. Hernandez will tell you how to address the cognitive needs of ELL students. You'll build a repertoire of instructional skills and resources and learn effective strategies that enhance instruction and promote academic achievement. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.5 |
Flip This Classroom: How to Engage Students with the Flipped Classroom Model | Have you heard about the flipped classroom? It's a model based on assigning lectures and reading outside class to free time for discussion during class. Learn more about using the flipped classroom model to enhance text-based dialogue using TED talks and Socratic seminar. Swain will share techniques for engaging students with the text, crafting thought-provoking questions, and designing pre/post-seminar tasks. You'll also pick up some classroom management ideas to help it run smoothly. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Exploring Project-Based Learning | Learn how to use project-based learning (PBL) in your classroom. Participants will hear from an educator in Manor ISD with first-hand experience in integrating PBL at all grade levels, who will give pointers as well as lessons learned about using project-based learning to advance learning for all students. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how to go about putting PBL in place as well as an action plan for doing so successfully. (This video includes closed captions.) | Classroom Management | 1.5 |
Classroom and Time Management Techniques | The best way to ensure effective and successful teaching and learning environments is to have proper classroom management. Wilkerson will equip you with techniques that you will be able to implement into your classroom right away. You'll learn how to prioritize tasks, stay focused on objectives, establish rules and procedures, meet the needs of your classroom, and conquer transition periods. (This video includes closed captions.) | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
BYOC: Bring Your Own Cape to Discuss Science and Superpowers | Who says Timmy can't fly through space or Marcy can't leap tall buildings in a single bound? Before any of our dreams can become reality, we must first exercise our powers of imagination. Superpowers have long been the subject of countless fantasies before science made some of them a reality. Lin will discuss the real life implications and scientific issues of having superpowers, because the rules of superheroes and the laws of science don't always agree. | 1.5 | |
Be Prepared: Learning Proactive Strategies for Handling Threats | With the threat of violence in schools all too real, learning, preparing, and practicing skills to handle an active shooter can make all the difference. ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training teaches strategies to handle the threat of an intruder, including leading others to safety. Crane developed ALICE after the event at Columbine, and it quickly became the standard of care among educators and law enforcement organizations. (This video includes closed captions.) | School Violence / Bullying | 1 |
2015 TRS Update | Join Teacher Retirement System staff in this town-hall style presentation for an overview of TRS-related actions in the 2015 legislative session. The interactive session will also address upcoming issues, with an emphasis on what's happening with health insurance for Texas educators. (This video includes closed captions.) | Retirement | 1.5 |
The Art of Learning | Art is more than pretty pictures — it's cross-disciplinary education. In this video, 2013 Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year finalist Ronelle Howell, university art instructor turned elementary art teacher, will show you how K-12 students can use visual arts to build skills for college and the workforce, expand their vocabulary, discover culture and history, combine imagination and scientific observation, and exercise critical thinking and mathematical reasoning. | Cross-Disciplinary Education | 1.25 |
Teacher Quality, Assessment and Accountability | Learn about movement on the teacher evaluation front and initiatives regarding assessment and accountability from TCTA's Holly Eaton, who will also update you on the status of ESEA/NCLB's reauthorization and other federal programs. | Assessment / Accountability | 1.25 |
Taking Care of You: Wellness Strategies for Teachers | With budget cuts and constant attacks from certain sectors, teacher morale is low and stress is high. Adapted from the State Bar of Texas wellness program, this presentation, delivered with humor by a former sixth grade teacher turned lawyer, will help you focus on specific ways you can better deal with stress, anxiety and depression. Get the latest research and strategies, and gain a wellness plan that helps you continue to do what you love with renewed energy and hope. | Teacher Wellness | 1 |
Social Security Retirement Benefits: What You Need to Know | Admit it, you've been thinking about retirement lately. Whether it's a dream or reality for you at this point in your life, you need to know how state and federal laws will affect your benefits — from TRS to Social Security to Medicare. Our expert presenter has decades of experience in the field and will help you understand what to expect when you finally take the plunge. | Retirement | 1.25 |
Reach (So You Can Teach) Students in Poverty | Texas classrooms are filled with students who come from different cultures, but the crucial demographic that affects learning is socioeconomic status. In this presentation by 2012-13 TCTA Innovator of the Year Corina Flores, you will learn how to reach out to and fully engage your students living in poverty in a respectful and caring way. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1 |
Preview of the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System | Hear about the process for building the pilot teacher evaluation system, the timeline for implementation and the components of the system. | Teacher Evaluation | 1.25 |
Learning on Demand: Mixing it up with a Blended Classroom | Learn ways to incorporate free Web resources to differentiate and allow choice in learning in a technology-rich environment. | Technology | 1.25 |
Get Your Google On: Google Tools from A to Z | There's more to Google than just search. There's a Google tool for every letter in the alphabet. Join our expert technology presenter in this fast-paced session as she shares great free Google resources like Google Drive, Forms, Docs, Google Art Projects, Google Custom Search Engine, Google Channels, Teach Parents Tech, Chrome must-have plug-ins, and many more. You will walk away with an extensive list of tools that are easy to set up and use in your classroom. | Technology | 1.25 |
Effective Teaching Environments | Every school must answer the question, What will we do when students do not learn? Successful schools make it everyone's responsibility to support students before they have a chance to fail. In this presentation by Alvin Smith, the Texas Association for Alternative Education's 2013 Educator of the Year, you will explore the principles of effective, systematic interventions and take away sample pyramids from successful schools as well as next steps to take in your building. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.25 |
Co-Teaching Approaches for the Inclusive Classroom | Discover how general and special educators can work together to differentiate and deliver specially designed instruction. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Bullying Laws, Regulations, Definitions and Policies: Our Role as Educators | Get an in-depth look at bullying in our schools — from the contributing factors to the complex issues surrounding the problem. Gain practical tools you can use immediately to connect and build better relationships with today's youth. Our expert presenter also covers policy and procedure guidelines in place for Texas schools to better deal with bullying. | School Violence / Bullying | 1.25 |
When Parents Cross the Line | The law clearly states that parents are partners with schools in the education of children, and parental involvement is a key factor in the success of a student and school. However, student issues can develop into parental confrontations at school and even partners can disagree vehemently about what course of action is best. Learn from the experts, through "real world" examples, what the options are when dealing with angry or belligerent parents. | Parental Involvement | 1 |
The iPad in Education | This session takes you beyond "cool apps" for the iPad to how to best use the mobile device in the classroom for authentic learning. Managing the device and classroom management tips will be shared. You will walk away with best practices and a tool kit of resources, sites, web tools and apps. | Technology | 1.25 |
R-I-G-O-R Is That a Four-Letter Word? | Do state standards, testing and accountability have you wondering if rigor is a four-letter word? This session looks at a selection of research-based strategies that can ramp up the level of thinking through questioning, key understandings, graphic organizers, and what really works for productive collaborative learning. Special attention is given to quick and easy ways to differentiate the strategies to give your students what they need while keeping you sane! | Assessment / Accountability | 1 |
One-Stop Shopping for Student Data | The Texas Student Data System is a one-stop data source that will pull data required by teachers and administrators from many disparate systems into one place. Learn how the data and metrics in this system will allow you to push aside paperwork and focus on your kids! This system that will take data that districts are already collecting and give it back in a format that was designed by teachers so that it would be useful to teachers. | Campus / District Data | 1.25 |
Navigating the Minefield of Teacher-Student Interaction | This session focuses on educator conduct, both in and outside of the school setting, that may result in sanctions against an educator's certification. Educator/student interactions are given particular emphasis. TEAs Director of Investigations discusses the types of behaviors that most often result in investigations by the agency. You will also see examples via entertaining yet informative webisodes in the comedic style of the hit TV show "The Office." | Professionalism / Ethics | 1 |
Focus on You | Are you too busy to prepare to fully engage your students academically or behaviorally (let alone finding time to exercise and eat right)? Are you relationally isolated at work and carrying emotional baggage from experiences you've had on your campus? Are you barely able to get by financially? It's time to focus on wellness. In this session, we'll assess your occupational, emotional, financial, spiritual and financial well-being, and you'll learn practical strategies in each area. | Teacher Wellness | 1.25 |
Best Practices in Classroom Management | The time teachers take to correct misbehavior results in a lower rate of academic engagement in the classroom that could be improved by enhanced classroom management skills. This session provides tips, techniques and strategies for establishing an effective classroom environment. This session addresses universal classroom management strategies that are fundamental for every classroom. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Autism Spectrum Disorders: What are ASDs? How do we know? What should we do? | Parents, educators, medical professionals and the public are being inundated with information about ASDs, resulting in reactions both beneficial and detrimental to understanding and working with students with ASDs. This session covers what ASDs are, educational eligibility, behavior, and best practices when working with students with ASDs. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1 |
What Works for ESL in the Classroom | As the number of English Language Learners in Texas classrooms continues to grow, teachers must be prepared for the important role they play in educating these students. This session provides practical strategies and tools you can use in instructing ELL students and focuses on instructional ideas to implement as well as additional supports for these students. Take away an array of tools and resources for use in your classroom. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1 |
Teach Like a STAAR (Part II) | This high-energy, interactive session will help you keep moving enthusiastically forward on the path to success in a more rigorous testing system. You will have an opportunity to explore tools and resources to inform your instruction as well as get the most up-to-date information on STAAR. Leave this session feeling empowered to enter the new testing frontier well equipped to master the challenges. | Assessment / Accountability | 1.25 |
Teach Like a STAAR (Part I) | This high-energy, interactive session will help you keep moving enthusiastically forward on the path to success in a more rigorous testing system. You will have an opportunity to explore tools and resources to inform your instruction as well as get the most up-to-date information on STAAR. Learn from an expert who has extensive working knowledge of the challenges and opportunities presented by a new testing system. Note: This session had some audio difficulties. | Assessment / Accountability | 1 |
Differentiating for Gifted Students | Gifted and talented students have unique needs due to their asynchronous development, exceptional ability to learn rapidly and make connections, and internal need to know things. Learn how to consider an individual's gifted traits when offering effective differentiated instruction as well as strategies for keeping gifted learners challenged. Take away multiple strategies and resources for immediate use in your classroom to engage GT students and allow them the opportunity to grow. | Gifted / Talented | 1.25 |
Curing the Culture of Disrespect in the Classroom | Behavior problems are common occurrences that result from the growing "culture of disrespect." When bullying and other challenging behaviors occur, you must be equipped to handle them in a professional, mutually respectful way. You must also hold offending students accountable while minimizing disruptions to learning. Discover strategies that significantly increase instructional time and decrease office referrals. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Communication and Respect | Sometimes, it's all in the way you say it. As teaching becomes more complex, it's more important than ever to keep the lines of communication open. This session explores communication and respect and how to walk the fine line of pragmatic communication where respect for the listener and speaker are promoted and protected. Acquire strategies that support effective communication and take away the tools you need to support the work you do on a daily basis. | Communication | 1.25 |
Real Solutions to Behavior Problems | Ferrell Yeokum will share valuable insights into managing behavior problems in today's classrooms. Participants will engage in a fun and exciting interactive session using real life examples to demonstrate classroom management skills that teachers can easily learn and incorporate. Take some of the stress out of your day. Learn new techniques for handling difficult misbehavior concerns. While the focus is on grades 3-10, these methods will work with most student populations. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Mastering Social Media for Your Classroom | This session explores the power behind social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, wikis and blogs for use in the classroom. Discover how these tools can be used and managed to energize your classroom while providing a global and accessible 21st century learning environment. | Technology | 1.25 |
Making It Work: Principals Perspectives on Good Working Relationships | A good working relationship between a principal and campus faculty can result in a dream team for students; a bad one can be a nightmare for everyone involved. In this session, a panel of seasoned principals offer candid insights on what traits they love in their teachers and what behaviors set their teeth on edge. | Professionalism / Ethics | 1.25 |
Lessons Learned from Responding to a School Crisis | Bill Bond, the former principal of a Kentucky high school where, in 1997, a freshman killed three students and wounded five more, will provide practical advice for schools facing a crisis. His experience is up close and personal, as he gathered the shooter's weapons and dealt with the aftermath. Participants will learn from his insights and perspective on what happens when the unthinkable becomes reality. | School Violence / Bullying | 1 |
Cyberbullying: The New Frontier | The anonymity of the Internet offers a new venue for those who attack from cyberspace. Barbara-Jane Paris, a national expert on the subject who has personal experience with this topic, will explore a wide range of issues from the online equivalent of Islam books, to sites that rate teachers, to the devastation that online attackers can leave behind. | School Violence / Bullying | 1.25 |
Texting Your Way Into Trouble - How To Keep Your Relationships With Students Professional | Hear a lively discussion about the do's and don'ts of communicating with students. With the increased presence of technology in and outside the classroom, along with the pressure on teachers to be accessible to students, the line between proper and improper relationships with students can get blurry fast. Hear how TEA views certain contacts between teachers and students and what the consequences can be, and get TCTA's general legal advice about common-sense approaches to establishing boundaries. | Professionalism / Ethics | 1.25 |
Response to Intervention: A System of Support for Students and Teachers | Dr. Ogonosky has witnessed extraordinary successes with Response to Intervention, but the process requires patience, persistence and vision. This session will focus on defining the RTI process with an emphasis on how it relates to supporting struggling learners and their teachers. Specific examples of evidence-based strategies and supports for both elementary and secondary academic and behavioral needs will be provided to help build participants knowledge on how to use RTI effectively. | Student Diversity and Special Needs | 1.25 |
Creating Positive Outcomes | Does your students' (mis)conduct sometimes dominate your class time? A well-defined classroom management system will enhance the learning environment, and positive responses to challenging behavior will help lead students to socially acceptable behavior. Take away proactive strategies for behavior and classroom management, and tips on how to build rapport with students. | Classroom Management | 1.25 |
Behind the Wizards Curtain: Creating Activities That Transport the Gifted From Kansas to Oz | What if the Scarecrow actually had a brain all along, but he was never asked the right question to let it show? Raise gifted students' cognition and deepen their understanding through a series of higher level questioning techniques that will simultaneously benefit all learners in a heterogeneous classroom. Take away multiple ideas for immediate use in your classroom to make students producers of learning rather than consumers. | Gifted / Talented | 1.25 |
Teachers Make It Work: Response to Intervention | Response to Intervention is an emerging intervention strategy for struggling students. Recent changes in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act encourage the use of RTI as a strategy to identify students truly in need of special education services. Learn about how RTI works, how teachers play a critical role in developing and implementing RTI, what makes RTI effective and what it looks like for a student, teacher, parent and administrator. | 1 | |
Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students in a Regular Classroom | State rules require teachers who are part of a school's gifted/talented program to have specific training in teaching GT students. This session focuses on the nature and needs of GT students, assessment of student needs, and curriculum and instruction. Teachers who have the challenge of educating gifted students along with other students simultaneously will benefit from the strategies and resources this session offers, including how to differentiate instruction. | Gifted / Talented | 1.25 |
Making a Positive First Impression | Learn how to harness the power of your first impression and personal brand. Image consultant Sara Canaday demonstrates the effect of nonverbal cues on spoken communication, defines a "polished" presence and its impact on individual and institutional branding, identifies "Dress-Down Don'ts" that sabotage the individual in the workplace and community, and demonstrates how to exude confidence, credibility and trustworthiness through clothing and nonverbal communication. | Professionalism / Ethics | 0.75 |
Emotional Intelligence: The Leadership Differentiator | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) may predict a propensity for success in technical or scientific fields, but one's Emotional Quotient®, or EQ®, may be a better predictor of workplace success. In this engaging workshop, Sara Canaday, certified in EQ® assessment by Behavioral Health Strategies, reviews and imparts the key emotional and social skills that correspond to high emotional intelligence and ultimately more effective decision-making, communication and leadership influence. | Professionalism / Ethics | 0.75 |
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