Membership Benefits | TCTA
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Membership Benefits

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The Texas Classroom Teachers Association has been protecting teachers’ rights since 1927. Our focus is always on the classroom, and membership is limited to instructional personnel.

TCTA Membership Tiers

With your TCTA membership you get

MB Legal

Access to experienced attorneys

TCTA has more attorneys per member than any other Texas teacher group. Members can call them for questions or help with employment-related legal issues. We never use non-lawyers to represent members.

Meet our staff attorneys
MB Liability

$8 million in professional liability insurance coverage

Backed by Nationwide, TCTA members are covered by the most comprehensive policy available to Texas teachers, with $2 million for civil rights coverage and a $250,000 Teacher Defense Fund.

Learn more about our liability insurance coverage
MB Advocacy

Advocacy on your issues

TCTA has been named the top-ranked teacher association lobby group for 10 consecutive sessions — that’s 20 years — by Capitol Inside and our legislative accomplishments are unmatched.

View our legislative accomplishments
MB Magazine

Information you can trust

We provide relevant, accurate information. Our Survival Guide and eUpdate newsletter have won best of category and gold stars from the Texas School Public Relations Association.

Read our publications
MB Lawyer

Genuine connections

When you call TCTA, a real person answers the phone. We want to interact with you directly. Our members can speak with an attorney without needing permission from a non-attorney representative.

Learn more about our legal services
MB Discounts

Discounts that save you more than your annual dues

TCTA members can save up to 70% with deals and exclusive offers on travel, entertainment, car maintenance, gifts, cellphones, books, eyewear and more.

Explore the savings
MB Online CPE

Free online CPE videos

TCTA is an SBEC-approved provider of continuing professional education and offers more than 70 hours of FREE CPE online on topics ranging from technology to teacher evaluation.

Explore our collection

Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year ended Feb. 1, 2025. 

Click here to be notified when enrollment opens for the 2025-26 school year.

I will recommend TCTA to anyone who is seeking help from an attorney who truly cares for us teachers and sees us as valuable workers. Again, I cannot express how thankful I am!”

A member in Amarillo ISD

It is an honor to serve an organization that represents those who work with children — the classroom teachers. TCTA is the only professional teacher association in Texas.”

D. C.

The Classroom Teacher gives me plenty of updates on education issues, and TCTA has staff attorneys who are only a phone call away — a member doesn’t need permission but can talk to one right away.”

Sherry Miller, Killeen ISD

Thank you for your valuable time to explain everything clearly to me regarding pensions and some of my Social Security questions. Thank you for making everything so simple to understand.”

P. S., a member in Region 3

My TCTA membership has been 110% worth every penny over the years; any questions / concerns are quickly resolved with a phone call or email.”

R. E.