Josey Garcia | TCTA

Josey Garcia

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Rep. Josey Garcia (incumbent)
Position sought: Representative, District 124

Education group support

Record on Key House Votes in 2023

Vote 1Vote 2Vote 3

For TCTA position

For TCTA position

For TCTA position

The following were some of the key bills and amendments of interest to educators during the 2021 regular session.

  • Vote No. 1 — HB 1 Voucher Funding Amendment by Herrero: HB 1 by Bonnen/Huffman was the budget bill for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 fiscal years. Rep. Herrero offered an amendment that would prohibit the use of state funds for a voucher program. The amendment passed, 86-52. A vote FOR the amendment is in support of TCTA's position; a vote AGAINST the amendment is in opposition to TCTA's position.
  • Vote No. 2 — HB 100 Basic Allotment Increase Amendment by Martinez Fischer: HB 100 was a wide-ranging school finance bill by King. It included a small increase to the basic allotment. Rep. Martinez Fischer offered an amendment that would further increase the basic allotment beyond what King proposed. The amendment failed 68-79. A vote FOR the amendment is in support of TCTA’s position; a vote AGAINST the amendment is in opposition to TCTA’s position.
  • Vote No. 3 — HB 1 Anti-Voucher Amendment by Raney: A separate HB 1 by Buckley during the fourth special session created an education savings account (or private school voucher) program similar to SB 8 in the regular session, additional funding for public schools, a teacher salary increase, special education and virtual education proposals, and more. Rep. Raney proposed an amendment that would remove the voucher portion of the bill. After intense debate on the House floor, the amendment passed 84-63. A vote FOR the amendment is in support of TCTA’s position; a vote AGAINST the amendment is in opposition to TCTA’s position.