Sarah Eckhardt | TCTA

Sarah Eckhardt

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Sen. Sarah Eckhardt (incumbent)
Position sought: Senator, District 14





Education group support

Record on Key Senate Votes in 2023

Vote 1Vote 2Vote 3
Yes Vote

For TCTA position

Yes Vote

For TCTA position

Yes Vote

For TCTA position

The following were some of the key bills and amendments of interest to educators during the 2023 regular session.

  • Vote No. 1 — Salary Amendment to SB 9 by LaMantia: SB 9 by Creighton/Dutton was a comprehensive education bill that included a $2,000 salary increase for classroom teachers with an additional $4,000 for teachers in districts with under 20,000 students. Sen. LaMantia offered an amendment that would have provided an across-the-board pay raise of $10,000 for classroom teachers instead of the $2,000/$6,000 raise. The amendment failed 12-19. A vote FOR the amendment is in support of TCTA’s position; a vote AGAINST the amendment is in opposition to TCTA’s position.
  • Vote No. 2 — SBOE Oversight Amendment to SB 9 by Johnson: SB 9 also would have eliminated the State Board of Education oversight of the State Board for Educator Certification rules. That oversight benefited the teaching profession most recently when the SBOE vetoed SBEC rules requiring the use of the edTPA assessment as a performance assessment for teacher certification. Sen. Johnson offered an amendment that would retain SBOE oversight over SBEC rulemaking. The amendment failed 12-19. A vote FOR the amendment is in support of TCTA’s position; a vote AGAINST the amendment is in opposition to TCTA’s position.
  • Vote No. 3 — SB 8 by Creighton: SB 8 created an education savings account program, which is a form of private school voucher that would send money to parents for reimbursement of education-related costs including private school tuition. The estimated cost was a half a billion dollars in the first two years, rising eventually to more than $1 billion by 2028. The bill passed the Senate 19-13. TCTA opposed the bill. A vote FOR SB 8 is in opposition to TCTA’s position; a vote AGAINST SB 8 is in support of TCTA’s position.