Sen. Royce West/Rep. J.M. Lozano
TCTA was a leading participant in the Teacher Training Workgroup, serving as a subgroup lead in this major effort to streamline and consolidate duplicative teacher training and professional development requirements.
Rather than have training frequency provided in statute, SBEC will publish a clearinghouse not later than June 1, 2022, of all educator training requirements, with best practices and industry-based frequency recommendations for local boards to annually consider in adopting their local professional development policies. Local policies must be adopted no later than Aug. 1, 2022.
In adopting local professional development policies annually, local boards must, to the extent applicable, annually review the clearinghouse and adopt a professional development policy that must be guided by the recommendations for training in the clearinghouse. The policy must note any differences in the policy adopted by the district/charter from the recommendations in the clearinghouse and include a schedule of all training required for educators or other school personnel at the district/charter.
Brief references to “clearinghouse” in parentheses throughout this summary refer to the local policy developed after review of the SBEC clearinghouse recommendations.
Provides for SBEC to establish a clearinghouse advisory group consisting of educators, including classroom teachers and representatives of organizations that represent educators, to review and provide input regarding the best practices and industry recommendations included in the clearinghouse. In publishing the clearinghouse, the board shall ensure the clearinghouse reflects input provided by the advisory group.
Not later than Dec. 1 of each even-numbered year, the clearinghouse advisory group must complete a review of the clearinghouse and submit a report to the legislature of the group's recommendations regarding whether any required continuing education or training may be reduced, eliminated, or consolidated with other existing continuing education or training.
For new employees: Annual training currently required in statute for staff development in suicide prevention; strategies for establishing and maintaining positive relationships among students, including conflict resolution; and preventing, identifying, responding to and reporting incidents of bullying will instead be governed by the local policy (clearinghouse).
For STAAR: Requires annual training only for the employee at each district campus who oversees the administration of STAAR; allows the school district employee who oversees testing on a district campus to, with discretion, require other district employees involved in the administration of assessment instruments to repeat the training.
For school district employees: Requires only the district’s cybersecurity coordinator to complete cybersecurity training on an annual basis. Other school district employees required to complete the cybersecurity training will do so as determined by the district, in consultation with the district ’s cybersecurity coordinator.
For school personnel and school volunteers: Removes annual required anaphylaxis training and training on CPR and the use of an automated external defibrillator; training will be in accordance with local policies (clearinghouse).
For coach, trainer, or sponsor for an extracurricular athletic activity: Removes requirements for annual CPR and safety training, which will be addressed through the district/charter policy (clearinghouse).
Required staff development for existing employees in suicide prevention; strategies for establishing and maintaining positive relationships among students, including conflict resolution; preventing, identifying, responding to, and reporting incidents of bullying; sexual abuse; and trauma will be addressed through the district/charter policy (clearinghouse).
Provides that the commissioner may not adopt rules regarding a required frequency for training unless a frequency is provided by statute for that training; and the commissioner is granted explicit rulemaking authority related to that training.
Provides that the commissioner may not require a school district employee to repeat training or online calibration activities the employee has previously successfully completed related to administering the TELPAS, except that the commissioner may require the employee to complete training or online calibration activities if the administration of or assessment using TELPAS has changed significantly since the employee completed the training.
The school district employee assigned to oversee TELPAS administration at a campus may, with discretion, require other district employees involved in administering the TELPAS to complete training or online calibration activities.
A school district employee may not be required to complete a training or online calibration activity in one sitting.
The deadline for completing the literacy achievement academies is extended to the 2022-23 school year.
Provides that reading academies satisfy the requirement for teachers of dyslexic students to receive continuing professional education for certificate renewal in dyslexia training, as well as any SBOE requirement for training in the Dyslexia Handbook.
Provides that TEA may not require members of a language proficiency assessment committee to complete training to serve on that committee.
Removes the requirement for districts/campuses to record names of employees receiving training (instead, requires numbers of employees) regarding sexual abuse, trauma, and mental health/substance abuse/suicide prevention. Removes the requirement that school districts annually report to TEA the number of teachers, principals, and counselors employed by the district who have completed trauma-informed care training and the total number of teachers, principals, and counselors employed by the district.
Topics removed from mandatory training include:
Instead, requires CPE for educators to include training regarding educating students with disabilities.
Topics removed from district staff development include:
Restores the cap of “no more than 25%” (instead of the current “at least 25%”) for training on certain specified topics.
Reading academies:
Math academies:
Authorizes a district to allow the completion of the required commissioner-approved mentor and induction training program also to satisfy the requirement to complete a district-provided mentor training program for the following employees:
Allows required training on the use of a bleeding control station to be provided as an online course.
The bill limits a requirement for teacher and administrator training relating to a dating violence policy to campuses that instruct students in grade six or higher.
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