Health & Safety | TCTA
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Health & Safety

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Students' health and wellness are good predictors of how well they will achieve in the classroom. Being aware of issues that affect students' health, wellness and safety, such as medical conditions or child abuse, and of the policies that relate to them can better prepare you to deal with such issues if they should arise in your classroom.

Health wellness 250

Student health & wellness

From diabetes management, to head lice, to school nutrition, educators have a responsibility to maintain students' health and well-being.

Explore the requirements
School Safety Card

School safety & threat assessment teams

The 2019 legislative session saw a renewed push for resources for student mental health and well-being in response to the charge to promote school safety.

Safety and threat assessment teams
Child Abuse Card

Child abuse & neglect

Teachers are often the first adults to whom abused children turn for help, and educators — those who see the children every day and can observe their appearance and behavior — are considered a primary source for helping to spot and stop a child’s suffering.

Reporting requirements