TCTA has been fielding questions from members regarding compensation for tutoring required under HB 4545, passed during the 87th regular session. In response, we asked TEA and Commissioner Mike Morath to highlight the various funding sources school districts could use to pay teachers for tutoring. We are pleased to report that a new question has been added to TEA’s HB 4545 FAQ as follows:
68. What funds are available for districts to use to compensate teachers beyond the standard duty pay for providing tutoring under HB 4545?
Districts can use regular state and local funds; Title I, Part A funds; state compensatory education allotment funds; and ESSER funds to compensate teachers for tutoring and potentially other duties. Title I, Part A funds may be used as long as the district has an approved methodology to distribute state and local funds in a manner that it can document the Title I funds are supplemental.
We thank TEA and Commissioner Morath for taking this action. This clarification gives teachers essential information for local discussions about compensation for teachers who are doing extra work to help students excel.
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