SBEC approves TCTA's suggestions for rules regarding special… | TCTA
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SBEC approves TCTA's suggestions for rules regarding special education content competency

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TCTA testified on Dec. 6 at the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) meeting regarding upcoming changes to the process through which a special education teacher can demonstrate competency in teaching core subject content. 

Previously, special education teachers completed a worksheet called HOUSSE, which took into account years of teaching experience, college credits, professional development hours and more to demonstrate content competency in a given subject. 

But the Texas Education Agency, in response to changing federal guidelines, initiated a process to create a new worksheet for special educators to demonstrate content competency. TCTA has been involved in that process since the beginning, meeting with TEA staff to refine the new worksheet and commenting before SBEC.

TCTA’s testimony at SBEC’s December meeting focused on the need for the proposed rule language to specifically identify that special educators who had already met federal content competency requirements via HOUSSE are grandfathered from the substantive requirements of the new worksheet.

SBEC members responded positively to TCTA’s testimony and directed TEA staff to implement the rule text with more explicit directions for special education teachers. After discussion over other aspects of the rule text and worksheet, SBEC voted to approve the proposal and send it to the State Board of Education for final approval.

SBEC's action is an important move that balances the needs of special educators and the students they serve with federal requirements for demonstration of content competency. TCTA will continue to monitor this proposal as it moves to the SBOE in January.

For more coverage from the December SBEC meeting, click here.