Latest Education News | TCTA
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Latest Education News

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TCTA follows and compiles the latest news impacting teachers and other classroom personnel. We actively monitor and bring you the latest information from the Texas Education Agency, the State Board of Education, the State Board for Educator Certification, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the U.S. Department of Education. We also include summaries of the latest news in the TCTA eUpdate newsletter.

Addressing controversy and ensuring accuracy under SB 3

Dec 17, 2021

'Critical race theory' law has teachers concerned about classroom discussions. Here's how you can comply.

SBOE approves revised K-8 Science TEKS, OKs some health materials

Nov 18, 2021

At its November meeting, the State Board of Education completed final amendments to the new K-8 Science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

Districts can apply for up to $500,000 in grants for tutoring stipends

Oct 28, 2021

TEA's TCLAS grant program, High Quality Afterschool Supports, provides up to $500,000 in funding to pay for tutor and teacher stipends if a district…

TCTA answers questions about "critical race theory" bills

Oct 21, 2021

We’ve put together this Q&A to help teachers better understand the "critical race theory" law and their own responsibilities.

TEA removes waiver option for science lab spaces after TCTA objections

Oct 14, 2021

In TEA’s final adopted rules on school facility standards, several changes were made in response to requests from TCTA.

SB 15 would allow some continued remote instruction

Aug 12, 2021

While most parents and educators are looking forward to a return to in-person instruction, districts have been asking state leaders to allow for…

State allocates $200M for eLearning devices for schools

Jul 14, 2020

Texas is giving schools a $200 million boost to support remote learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Texas College Bridge helps graduating, rising seniors impacted by COVID-19

Jun 11, 2020

TEA is providing the Texas College Bridge as an alternative to support students and achieve district college, career and military readiness.