There is now a vacancy in the position of TCTA Curriculum & Instruction Chairperson. Ms. Melody Young, the previous chair, was elected to the office of President-Elect effective June 1, 2023.
Article VI, Section 1, D, of
the current TCTA Bylaws provides that:
In case of a vacancy in the office of Standing Committee Chairperson, the Directors’ Council shall elect a successor.
The remainder of this term of
office for Curriculum & Instruction Chairperson extends through May 31,
2024. Accordingly, we are seeking nominations of qualified individuals to fill
the final year of this two-year term.
VI, Section 1, C, of the current TCTA Bylaws provides that:
To be eligible for a committee chair, a candidate must have been an Active member of the Association for at least four (4) consecutive years immediately preceding election.
This vacancy will be filled
by the Directors’ Council at the June 27, 2023, meeting. The candidate elected
will serve until May 31, 2024. This position will be on the ballot for the full
two-year term at the 2024 annual business meeting. Please submit the names of
any qualified candidates that you, your local association, or other TCTA
members may wish to nominate for consideration by the Directors’ Council. For
candidates to be included on the ballot, written nominations must be
received at TCTA Headquarters by 5 p.m. June 22, 2023, along with a signed Qualifications
and Consent Statement. Submission of the Q&C
Statement, if submitted by the deadline, will suffice for written notice; you
may also send an email to Executive Director Ann Fickel at
A drawing will determine the
order of the names listed on the ballot. Please note that individuals may
nominate themselves. All qualified nominees will be notified of confirmation of
their candidacy by Headquarters.
Candidates will be welcome to
attend the Directors’ Council remote meeting on June 27 at 2 p.m., via Zoom.
Candidates will be given a three-minute opportunity to address the Council
during the opening session of the meeting, or may submit a video to of up to three
minutes. A candidate may also choose to designate someone to speak to the
Council on his/her behalf. Candidates should not use the official TCTA emblem,
slogan, and/or stationery in any campaign literature, or campaign or discuss
candidacy while conducting field service for the association.
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