Updates from the Capitol | TCTA
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Updates from the Capitol

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During legislative sessions, TCTA's top-ranked lobby team is at the Texas Capitol every day, working on behalf of Texas teachers and other classroom professionals. Our lobbyists carefully monitor and testify on legislation that could affect TCTA members and provide daily reports on legislative action. These updates are provided below and compiled and emailed weekly via the TCTA eUpdate newsletter.

Huge victory for teachers as Congress repeals WEP/GPO

Dec 21, 2024

In the final hour of the 118th Congress, the U.S. Senate delivered an early Christmas present to teachers, passing the Social Security Fairness Act…

U.S. House passes bill to repeal WEP and GPO provisions of Social Security

Nov 13, 2024

U.S. House has passed a bill (HR 82) that would repeal the WEP and GPO that limit Social Security. A Senate vote is expected Dec. 18.

Vote expected this week on Social Security bill in House

Nov 11, 2024

The U.S. House of Representatives has scheduled a vote this week on a bill (HR 82) that would repeal the WEP and GPO, which limit Social Security…

Social Security bill tied up after Election Night maneuver

Nov 6, 2024

Members of the House Freedom Caucus orchestrated an unusual play on Election Night that resulted in killing, at least for now, a broadly popular…

Social Security bill headed to House floor

Sep 20, 2024

This week, TCTA sent a letter to 13 Texas Congressional members urging them to sign a discharge petition on the Social Security Fairness Act of 2023…

Tuesday committee hearings include radical change to state employee retirement

May 4, 2021

The House Appropriations Committee held a hearing Tuesday on SB 321, a bill to restructure the state’s retirement plan for new state employees. The…

Senate committee approves major changes to state employee retirement system

Apr 19, 2021

A bill significantly revising the state employees’ retirement system was heard and passed out of the Senate Finance Committee Monday. SB 321 does not…