Updates from the Capitol | TCTA
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Updates from the Capitol

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During legislative sessions, TCTA's top-ranked lobby team is at the Texas Capitol every day, working on behalf of Texas teachers and other classroom professionals. Our lobbyists carefully monitor and testify on legislation that could affect TCTA members and provide daily reports on legislative action. These updates are provided below and compiled and emailed weekly via the TCTA eUpdate newsletter.

Session ends with 13th check approval, CRT changes and more

Sep 3, 2021

The House and Senate adjourned "sine die" Thursday evening, putting an end to the second special session. The legislature passed bills addressing…

13th check, virtual instruction bills pass House on initial vote

Aug 27, 2021

At around 10:15 Friday night, the Texas House voted unanimously to pass SB 7, providing retirees with a bonus check up to $2,400.

13th check bill on Friday House calendar; mask mandates to be considered in Monday committee hearing

Aug 27, 2021

The House is set to consider two important education bills Friday: SB 7, the 13th check for TRS retirees; and SB 15, the legislation on virtual…

House Pub Ed holds 19-hour hearing on CRT, virtual ed, and more

Aug 25, 2021

The House Public Education Committee met for 19+ hours beginning Tuesday, discussing revision of the so-called critical race theory bill and…

Major bills on the move

May 27, 2021

Some of the biggest education bills of the session were addressed Wednesday. The Senate took up three significant education bills, while the House…