TCTA supports HB 4545 revisions and more in HPE hearing | TCTA
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TCTA supports HB 4545 revisions and more in HPE hearing

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Last session, in an attempt to remedy a lag in student performance caused by COVID-19 disruptions, the legislature passed HB 4545. The bill required intensive additional instruction for struggling students, and the burdens on teachers and schools were heavy. Teachers reported significant increases in work outside of the instructional day and in paperwork mandates, and schools already facing teacher shortages were hard-pressed to find enough tutors to meet the requirements of the bill.

HB 1416 by Rep. Keith Bell is designed to ease some of these burdens. The bill includes the following provisions:

  • Narrows the scope of the supplemental instruction program to only students who did not pass reading or math STAAR exams.
  • Allows parents to opt their child out of supplemental instruction.
  • Increases the maximum size of the supplemental instruction group from 3 students to 4.
  • Reduces the minimum amount of supplemental instruction from 30 hours to 15 hours.
  • Provides that schools may have access to “augmented or automated” programs if the commissioner determines that they are more effective than traditional individual or group programs.

TCTA supports the bill, as did nearly all of the witnesses who provided testimony. There was some discussion among committee members of increasing the allowable instruction group size beyond four students, and several members and witnesses recommended data collection to determine provide more information on what factors (class size, method of instruction, etc.) are most effective. The bill is likely to be further refined as it moves through the legislative process, but there does seem to be general support for easing the HB 4545 mandates.

TCTA supported another bill by Rep. Bell that requires districts to resolve grievances within a specified timeline.

Other bills on Tuesday’s HPE agenda included HB 1225 by Rep. Will Metcalf, which ensures that students can take their state assessments on paper upon parent request; and HB 1883 by Salman Bhojani, which prohibits state assessments on specified religious holy days.