Senate Bill 245, a major student discipline bill initiated by TCTA in conjunction with Sen. Charles Perry, was heard in Wednesday’s Senate Education Committee meeting.
TCTA General Counsel Lonnie Hollingsworth and legislative intern Quinn McCall both served as expert witnesses on the bill. Hollingsworth, accurately described by Sen. Perry as “the guy that pretty much put [Chapter] 37 together back in its day,” detailed how the bill’s revisions to that chapter of the Education Code will help teachers more easily remove disruptive students from the classroom and help prevent the “revolving door” situation in which the student is sent straight back to the classroom, while still ensuring appropriate student due process. SB 245 will also correct a major loophole in discipline law by prohibiting districts of innovation from exempting themselves from Chapter 37 requirements. See his written testimony here.
McCall pointed out the difference that adequate laws and supportive administrative can make for teachers facing student discipline problems by highlighting some of his own experiences as a teacher in a large high school.
Other bills heard in Wednesday's meeting included:
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