During legislative sessions, TCTA's top-ranked lobby team is at the Texas Capitol every day, working on behalf of Texas teachers and other classroom professionals. Our lobbyists carefully monitor and testify on legislation that could affect TCTA members and provide daily reports on legislative action. These updates are provided below and compiled and emailed weekly via the TCTA eUpdate newsletter.
Apr 12, 2023
SB 245, a major student discipline bill initiated by TCTA in conjunction with Sen. Charles Perry, was heard in Wednesday’s Senate Education Committee…
Apr 12, 2023
While the education community had a big win last week on the Herrero amendment to the budget, the battle is certainly not over and House leadership…
Apr 11, 2023
A few key school safety bills, including a proposal to require an armed security officer at every campus, and other requiring panic alert devices in…
Apr 10, 2023
Although the House Select Committee on Youth Health and Safety is not limited to considering bills that address behavior of students, roughly half of…
Apr 6, 2023
The Texas Senate approved SB 8, creating an education savings account program, Thursday evening by a vote of 18-13. Education savings accounts (ESAs)…
Apr 6, 2023
Thursday is a big day at the Capitol as the House debates the state budget and proposed amendments, while the Senate takes up two priority bills:…
Apr 6, 2023
The Senate completed its debate and amendments on SB 9 Thursday afternoon. Senate Bill 9 includes provisions for a $2,000 salary increase for…
Apr 6, 2023
The Senate Education Committee met Wednesday to hear several bills, including a priority school safety proposal and a ban on 4-day school weeks. The…
Apr 5, 2023
Two of the House priority education bills were heard in the House Public Education Committee hearing Tuesday, along with a number of other bills…
Apr 5, 2023
TCTA's Lonnie Hollingsworth took part in a press conference Tuesday morning with representatives of the other three statewide teacher organizations,…
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