Updates from the Capitol | TCTA
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Updates from the Capitol

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During legislative sessions, TCTA's top-ranked lobby team is at the Texas Capitol every day, working on behalf of Texas teachers and other classroom professionals. Our lobbyists carefully monitor and testify on legislation that could affect TCTA members and provide daily reports on legislative action. These updates are provided below and compiled and emailed weekly via the TCTA eUpdate newsletter.

On a day of controversial bills and unusual events, a few items related to education issues saw action

May 5, 2021

On Wednesday, the Senate took around six hours to debate a bill that will allow Texans to carry firearms without a permit. After several hours of…

House passes budget, adopts anti-voucher amendment

Apr 23, 2021

The Texas House passed its version of the state budget (SB 1) late Thursday night. With fewer fireworks than usual, lawmakers adopted 146 amendments…

Senate Ed considers special education voucher bill

Apr 20, 2021

The Senate Education Committee heard nine bills, including one that would essentially create a voucher program for special education services. SB…