One of the key changes associated with the election of a new House speaker is the change in the broader leadership team — primarily the chairs of House committees. Committee assignments were released today by House Speaker Dade Phelan, and the education community will be working with a new chair of the House Public Education Committee: Harold Dutton (D-Houston).
Though new to the chairmanship of this committee, Dutton began serving on the House Public Education Committee in 1997. TCTA is looking forward to working with him and his office and committee staff.
Rep. Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas) is the new chair of the House Pensions, Investments and Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Greg Bonnen will head the powerful House Appropriations Committee. The full memberships of those key committees are below; for the complete list, click here. If you would like to look up committee assignments for a certain member, click here.
CHAIR: Harold Dutton
CHAIR: Rafael Anchia
VICE-CHAIR: Tan Parker
CHAIR: Greg Bonnen
VICE-CHAIR: Mary Gonzalez
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