Earlier this week, TCTA stood with State Rep. James Talarico and other supporters of teachers as he announced the filing of House Bill 1548 to increase teacher salaries by $15,000. The bill incorporates language that TCTA has been promoting to legislative leaders whenever teacher pay is on the table, as it ensures an across-the-board, pass-through raise for teachers, counselors, nurses and librarians.
HB 1548 also provides a 25% pay increase for employees who are not administrators and who are not subject to the salary schedule.
Talarico noted in his press conference that although the proposal comes with a steep price tag, it would still leave more than half of the $33 billion state surplus available. The price of not recognizing the worth of teachers could be much steeper if our schools continue to lose valuable educators.
We expect several other salary bills to be presented throughout the session, with different amounts and different approaches to structuring a pay raise. But teachers need to ensure that their elected representatives know what it will take to keep good teachers in the classroom – not solely money, not solely improved working conditions, but a healthy combination of both.
NOTE: The identical Senate companion to this bill, SB 693, was later filed by Sen. Morgan LaMantia.
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